- January 12, 2015
- By cannonautomotive
- In Diagnostics, Filters
- Tags Belts, Suspension, Tyres
- 3301
- 0
A tyres size, shape, pattern, thickness and density all contribute to their performance and longevity. Having the correct size tyres on your vehicle not only keeps you safe on the road but also ensures that your speedometer is accurate. The quality of a tyre is not determined by price and prices for the exact same tyre can vary greatly between retailers. Whether you want tyres based on cost, quality or performance, we are able to source the right tyre for your needs. Speak to one of our team today about getting the right tyre for you and your vehicle.
Did you know?… Being that the colour of rubber is white, so too are your tyres. The black colour to which we are all so accustomed to came from the addition of carbon to the mix. Even in tyres where carbon is not used in manufacturing the rubber is still dyed to the traditional black we are so used to. The black hides the dirt and suits more car colours than the stark white.
Did you know?… Being that the colour of rubber is white, so too are your tyres.
In Australia we dispose of around 50 million used tyres every year. An increasing number of tyre disposal companies support a growing industry in tyre recycling. Used tyres can be recycled and made into many products including but not limited to athletics tracks, road base, soft fall surfaces in playgrounds and insulation.
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